Create your audiobook
in 15 minutes
Converting text to audiobook
with a neural network
Voice your book with artificial intelligence and profit from the largest audiobook marketplaces!
Voicing a book is easy
Our platform supports common file extensions for recognition: .docx, .epub.
Or you can text your book in our editor.
Upload your text
Adjust word stress, add pauses or edit emotions. We have created a very simple editor for you.
If you don't have time for this task, leave it to our specialist.
Add some personal settings
My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt — sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.
In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I'd been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year
While editing your book, you always have the option of listening to your paragraphs.
Listen while editing
My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my favorite shirt — sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.
In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that I'd been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead.
Pay for the book and send it to us for synthesis. We will notify you in an email when it's ready.
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Download your .mp3 file and publish it in any audiobooks marketplaces
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Advantages of voiceover
Professional studio
Sound quality
97% of people in blind
tests couldn't tell the difference from human speech
Voiceover narration
Voiceover by an unqualified «expert»
Sound Setting
Full-featured fine tuning
At studio discretion
At the freelancer's discretion
At any time
Not possible or at extra money
For extra money
From 10 min
from 1 month
from 1 months
$199 / book
$5,000+ book
$2,700+ book
Get your offer for audiobooks!
Your audiobook will sound great
Only 10 days!
we will voice the book for you, just send the file
$498 per book
  • Fast delivery
  • No registrations
  • Only your book file (.docx, .epub)
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What Counts as a free book?
You can download any file with the extension docx, pdf, epub or print the text directly in our editor. For free you will be able to edit and listen in the editor for no more than 8000 characters. In order to download an audio file you need to pay for the synthesis of the whole book.
What languages does Indiepub support?
Indiepub currently supports 20 languages and accents: English
Does Indiepub offer APIs?
All of Indiepub features are available for easy integration using REST API.

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Commercial Rights
Our technology can be incorporated in a number of different markets, and we target mainly call centers, banking, digital assistance, podcasts, and audiobooks. However, our text-to-speech solutions can also be used by the game industry and retail chains for voice-over announcements, as well as to create audio guides and provide digital assistance.

Commercial rights are not resell rights.
Resell Rights
Resell Rights are for clients who want to leverage Indiepub, AMAI.API or any of AMAI's technologies, including custom voice cloning, to resell to and service their own customers and other third-parties.

Please contact us for Reseller Rights and Pricing.
[email protected]
As per the nature of subscription models, Indiepub does not offer refunds.
More than 10 emotions and other parameters for editing

We have the best in class Voice editor with a human in the loop. You can diversify your voice overing via the easy-to-use editor.